Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Balcony Channel: Leadership by Changing a Group's Channel of Awareness

by Elmer S Soriano

Developing leaders requires not just the buildup of their toolkit or competencies, but  also shifting their Level of Consciousness (O'Brian, 2016; Scharmer 20__). The next challenge is explaining these concepts to an audience that did not have college education. 

I attempted to translate the concepts by likening them to channels on cable TV, pointing out the different units of analyses provided by the different channels.

Channel 1: The Selfie Channel - The percieving the world thru one's own self-centered worldview.
Channel 2: The Discovery/Science Channel - Interpreting the world primarily through science.
Channel 3: The Oprah/Empathy Channel - Interpreting the world through the Other person's worldview
Channel 4: The Balcony/Reality TV Director's Channel - Interpreting the world by observing emergence.

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